Monday, September 17, 2012

No, Screw You, Mitt Romney

Screw you, Mitt Rommey.

(All profanity has been edited out of this post. But you can add it back in, mentally. All right. Here we go.)

"There are 47 percent who are with him [President Obama], who are dependent upon government, who believe they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it... [My job] is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Well, screw you, Mitt Romney. I run a business that I started from scratch nine years ago. I work 50 hours a week to support a family.

Screw you hard, Mitt Romney, I pay my fair share in taxes every year. My taxation rate is higher than yours.

Screw you, Mitt Romney. Fifteen percent of my income goes toward health care costs, and I'm a moocher?

Screw you once again, but not for the last time, Willard Romney. I stayed home part-time with my first child when he was an infant, even though I couldn't really afford it, to give him the kind of nurturing he deserved.

Screw you even more, Romney. I am no victim. I make my own choices, and I choose to ridicule you for being a douchebag.

Screw you even harder, Mitt Romney. We are all dependent on government to an extent. Veterans, students, the elderly, the sick, teachers, cops, firefighters, single moms with deadbeat ex-husbands, the disabled, and everyone who buys food. Oh, and everyone who enjoys the protection of our awesome military. So, all of us, in other words. Yeah, screw you. From all of us who rely on the government in one or more aspects of our lives.

Screw you, Mitt Romney, for declaring your intent to become president in one breath, then in the next one, dismissing half the population as people you don't need to worry about if elected.

And if you produced that quote because you were at a fund-raiser and that's what you thought your donors wanted to hear, then screw you one final time. You just forfeited all benefit of the doubt I would otherwise have granted you.

Now go lose this election, because screw you.

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